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2 years ago
" Theme: PaperColor
" Author: Nikyle Nguyen <>
" License: MIT
" Source:
let s:version = '0.9.x'
" Note on navigating this source code:
" - Use folding feature to collapse/uncollapse blocks of marked code
" zM to fold all markers in this file to see the structure of the source code
" zR to unfold all recursively
" za to toggle a fold
" See:
" - The main section is at the end where the functions are called in order.
" Theme Repository: {{{
let s:themes = {}
" }}}
fun! s:register_default_theme()
" Theme name should be lowercase
let s:themes['default'] = {
\ 'maintainer' : 'Nikyle Nguyen <>',
\ 'source' : '',
\ 'description' : 'The original PaperColor Theme, inspired by Google Material Design',
\ 'options' : {
\ 'allow_bold': 1
\ }
\ }
" Theme can have 'light' and/or 'dark' color palette.
" Color values can be HEX and/or 256-color. Use empty string '' if not provided.
" Only color00 -> color15 are required. The rest are optional.
let s:themes['default'].light = {
\ 'palette' : {
\ 'color00' : ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'color01' : ['#af0000', '124'],
\ 'color02' : ['#008700', '28'],
\ 'color03' : ['#5f8700', '64'],
\ 'color04' : ['#0087af', '31'],
\ 'color05' : ['#878787', '102'],
\ 'color06' : ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'color07' : ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'color08' : ['#bcbcbc', '250'],
\ 'color09' : ['#d70000', '160'],
\ 'color10' : ['#d70087', '162'],
\ 'color11' : ['#8700af', '91'],
\ 'color12' : ['#d75f00', '166'],
\ 'color13' : ['#d75f00', '166'],
\ 'color14' : ['#005faf', '25'],
\ 'color15' : ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'color16' : ['#0087af', '31'],
\ 'color17' : ['#008700', '28'],
\ 'cursor_fg' : ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'cursor_bg' : ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'cursorline' : ['#e4e4e4', '254'],
\ 'cursorcolumn' : ['#e4e4e4', '254'],
\ 'cursorlinenr_fg' : ['#af5f00', '130'],
\ 'cursorlinenr_bg' : ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'popupmenu_fg' : ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'popupmenu_bg' : ['#d0d0d0', '252'],
\ 'search_fg' : ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'search_bg' : ['#ffff5f', '227'],
\ 'linenumber_fg' : ['#b2b2b2', '249'],
\ 'linenumber_bg' : ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'vertsplit_fg' : ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'vertsplit_bg' : ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'statusline_active_fg' : ['#e4e4e4', '254'],
\ 'statusline_active_bg' : ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'statusline_inactive_fg' : ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'statusline_inactive_bg' : ['#d0d0d0', '252'],
\ 'todo_fg' : ['#00af5f', '35'],
\ 'todo_bg' : ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'error_fg' : ['#af0000', '124'],
\ 'error_bg' : ['#ffd7ff', '225'],
\ 'matchparen_bg' : ['#c6c6c6', '251'],
\ 'matchparen_fg' : ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'visual_fg' : ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'visual_bg' : ['#0087af', '31'],
\ 'folded_fg' : ['#0087af', '31'],
\ 'folded_bg' : ['#afd7ff', '153'],
\ 'wildmenu_fg': ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'wildmenu_bg': ['#ffff00', '226'],
\ 'spellbad': ['#ffafd7', '218'],
\ 'spellcap': ['#ffffaf', '229'],
\ 'spellrare': ['#afff87', '156'],
\ 'spelllocal': ['#d7d7ff', '189'],
\ 'diffadd_fg': ['#008700', '28'],
\ 'diffadd_bg': ['#afffaf', '157'],
\ 'diffdelete_fg': ['#af0000', '124'],
\ 'diffdelete_bg': ['#ffd7ff', '225'],
\ 'difftext_fg': ['#0087af', '31'],
\ 'difftext_bg': ['#ffffd7', '230'],
\ 'diffchange_fg': ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'diffchange_bg': ['#ffd787', '222'],
\ 'tabline_bg': ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'tabline_active_fg': ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'tabline_active_bg': ['#e4e4e4', '254'],
\ 'tabline_inactive_fg': ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'tabline_inactive_bg': ['#0087af', '31'],
\ 'buftabline_bg': ['#005f87', '24'],
\ 'buftabline_current_fg': ['#444444', '238'],
\ 'buftabline_current_bg': ['#e4e4e4', '254'],
\ 'buftabline_active_fg': ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'buftabline_active_bg': ['#005faf', '25'],
\ 'buftabline_inactive_fg': ['#eeeeee', '255'],
\ 'buftabline_inactive_bg': ['#0087af', '31']
\ }
\ }
" TODO: idea for subtheme options
" let s:themes['default'].light.subtheme = {
" \ 'alternative' : {
" \ 'options' : {
" \ 'transparent_background': 1
" \ },
" \ 'palette' : {
" \ }
" \ }
" \ }
let s:themes['default'].dark = {
\ 'palette' : {
\ 'color00' : ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'color01' : ['#af005f', '125'],
\ 'color02' : ['#5faf00', '70'],
\ 'color03' : ['#d7af5f', '179'],
\ 'color04' : ['#5fafd7', '74'],
\ 'color05' : ['#808080', '244'],
\ 'color06' : ['#d7875f', '173'],
\ 'color07' : ['#d0d0d0', '252'],
\ 'color08' : ['#585858', '240'],
\ 'color09' : ['#5faf5f', '71'],
\ 'color10' : ['#afd700', '148'],
\ 'color11' : ['#af87d7', '140'],
\ 'color12' : ['#ffaf00', '214'],
\ 'color13' : ['#ff5faf', '205'],
\ 'color14' : ['#00afaf', '37'],
\ 'color15' : ['#5f8787', '66'],
\ 'color16' : ['#5fafd7', '74'],
\ 'color17' : ['#d7af00', '178'],
\ 'cursor_fg' : ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'cursor_bg' : ['#c6c6c6', '251'],
\ 'cursorline' : ['#303030', '236'],
\ 'cursorcolumn' : ['#303030', '236'],
\ 'cursorlinenr_fg' : ['#ffff00', '226'],
\ 'cursorlinenr_bg' : ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'popupmenu_fg' : ['#c6c6c6', '251'],
\ 'popupmenu_bg' : ['#303030', '236'],
\ 'search_fg' : ['#000000', '16'],
\ 'search_bg' : ['#00875f', '29'],
\ 'linenumber_fg' : ['#585858', '240'],
\ 'linenumber_bg' : ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'vertsplit_fg' : ['#5f8787', '66'],
\ 'vertsplit_bg' : ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'statusline_active_fg' : ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'statusline_active_bg' : ['#5f8787', '66'],
\ 'statusline_inactive_fg' : ['#bcbcbc', '250'],
\ 'statusline_inactive_bg' : ['#3a3a3a', '237'],
\ 'todo_fg' : ['#ff8700', '208'],
\ 'todo_bg' : ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'error_fg' : ['#af005f', '125'],
\ 'error_bg' : ['#5f0000', '52'],
\ 'matchparen_bg' : ['#4e4e4e', '239'],
\ 'matchparen_fg' : ['#c6c6c6', '251'],
\ 'visual_fg' : ['#000000', '16'],
\ 'visual_bg' : ['#8787af', '103'],
\ 'folded_fg' : ['#d787ff', '177'],
\ 'folded_bg' : ['#5f005f', '53'],
\ 'wildmenu_fg': ['#1c1c1c', '234'],
\ 'wildmenu_bg': ['#afd700', '148'],
\ 'spellbad': ['#5f0000', '52'],
\ 'spellcap': ['#5f005f', '53'],
\ 'spellrare': ['#005f00', '22'],
\ 'spelllocal': ['#00005f', '17'],
\ 'diffadd_fg': ['#87d700', '112'],
\ 'diffadd_bg': ['#005f00', '22'],
\ 'diffdelete_fg': ['#af005f', '125'],
\ 'diffdelete_bg': ['#5f0000', '52'],
\ 'difftext_fg': ['#5fffff', '87'],
\ 'difftext_bg': ['#008787', '30'],
\ 'diffchange_fg': ['#d0d0d0', '252'],
\ 'diffchange_bg': ['#005f5f', '23'],
\ 'tabline_bg': ['#262626', '235'],
\ 'tabline_active_fg': ['#121212', '233'],
\ 'tabline_active_bg': ['#00afaf', '37'],
\ 'tabline_inactive_fg': ['#bcbcbc', '250'],
\ 'tabline_inactive_bg': ['#585858', '240'],
\ 'buftabline_bg': ['#262626', '235'],
\ 'buftabline_current_fg': ['#121212', '233'],
\ 'buftabline_current_bg': ['#00afaf', '37'],
\ 'buftabline_active_fg': ['#00afaf', '37'],
\ 'buftabline_active_bg': ['#585858', '240'],
\ 'buftabline_inactive_fg': ['#bcbcbc', '250'],
\ 'buftabline_inactive_bg': ['#585858', '240']
\ }
\ }
" ============================ THEME REGISTER =================================
" Acquire Theme Data: {{{
" Brief:
" Function to get theme information and store in variables for other
" functions to use
" Require:
" s:themes <dictionary> collection of all theme palettes
" Require Optionally:
" {g:PaperColor_Theme_[s:theme_name]} <dictionary> user custom theme palette
" g:PaperColor_Theme_Options <dictionary> user options
" Expose:
" s:theme_name <string> the name of the selected theme
" s:selected_theme <dictionary> the selected theme object (contains palette, etc.)
" s:selected_variant <string> 'light' or 'dark'
" s:palette <dictionary> the palette of selected theme
" s:options <dictionary> user options
fun! s:acquire_theme_data()
" Get theme name: {{{
let s:theme_name = 'default'
if exists("g:PaperColor_Theme") " Users expressed theme preference
let lowercase_theme_name = tolower(g:PaperColor_Theme)
if lowercase_theme_name !=? 'default'
let theme_identifier = 'PaperColor_' . lowercase_theme_name
let autoload_function = theme_identifier . '#register'
call {autoload_function}()
let theme_variable = 'g:' . theme_identifier
if exists(theme_variable)
let s:theme_name = lowercase_theme_name
let s:themes[s:theme_name] = {theme_variable}
" }}}
if s:theme_name ==? 'default'
" Either no other theme is specified or they failed to load
" Defer loading default theme until now
call s:register_default_theme()
let s:selected_theme = s:themes[s:theme_name]
" Get Theme Variant: either dark or light {{{
let s:selected_variant = 'dark'
let s:is_dark=(&background == 'dark')
if s:is_dark
if has_key(s:selected_theme, 'dark')
let s:selected_variant = 'dark'
else " in case the theme only provides the other variant
let s:selected_variant = 'light'
else " is light background
if has_key(s:selected_theme, 'light')
let s:selected_variant = 'light'
else " in case the theme only provides the other variant
let s:selected_variant = 'dark'
let s:palette = s:selected_theme[s:selected_variant].palette
" Systematic User-Config Options: {{{
" Example config in .vimrc
" let g:PaperColor_Theme_Options = {
" \ 'theme': {
" \ 'default': {
" \ 'allow_bold': 1,
" \ 'allow_italic': 0,
" \ 'transparent_background': 1
" \ }
" \ },
" \ 'language': {
" \ 'python': {
" \ 'highlight_builtins' : 1
" \ },
" \ 'c': {
" \ 'highlight_builtins' : 1
" \ },
" \ 'cpp': {
" \ 'highlight_standard_library': 1
" \ }
" \ }
" \ }
let s:options = {}
if exists("g:PaperColor_Theme_Options")
let s:options = g:PaperColor_Theme_Options
" }}}
" }}}
" }}}
" Identify Color Mode: {{{
fun! s:identify_color_mode()
let s:MODE_16_COLOR = 0
let s:MODE_256_COLOR = 1
let s:MODE_GUI_COLOR = 2
if has("gui_running") || has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors || has('nvim') && $NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR
let s:mode = s:MODE_GUI_COLOR
elseif (&t_Co >= 256)
let s:mode = s:MODE_256_COLOR
let s:mode = s:MODE_16_COLOR
" }}}
" ============================ OPTION HANDLER =================================
" Generate Them Option Variables: {{{
fun! s:generate_theme_option_variables()
" 0. All possible theme option names must be registered here
let l:available_theme_options = [
\ 'allow_bold',
\ 'allow_italic',
\ 'transparent_background',
\ ]
" 1. Generate variables and set to default value
for l:option in l:available_theme_options
let s:{'themeOpt_' . l:option} = 0
let s:themeOpt_override = {} " special case, this has to be a dictionary
" 2. Reassign value to the above variables based on theme settings
" 2.1 In case the theme has top-level options
if has_key(s:selected_theme, 'options')
let l:theme_options = s:selected_theme['options']
for l:opt_name in keys(l:theme_options)
let s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name} = l:theme_options[l:opt_name]
" echo 's:themeOpt_' . l:opt_name . ' = ' . s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name}
" 2.2 In case the theme has specific variant options
if has_key(s:selected_theme[s:selected_variant], 'options')
let l:theme_options = s:selected_theme[s:selected_variant]['options']
for l:opt_name in keys(l:theme_options)
let s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name} = l:theme_options[l:opt_name]
" echo 's:themeOpt_' . l:opt_name . ' = ' . s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name}
" 3. Reassign value to the above variables which the user customizes
" Part of user-config options
let s:theme_options = {}
if has_key(s:options, 'theme')
let s:theme_options = s:options['theme']
" 3.1 In case user sets for a theme without specifying which variant
if has_key(s:theme_options, s:theme_name)
let l:theme_options = s:theme_options[s:theme_name]
for l:opt_name in keys(l:theme_options)
let s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name} = l:theme_options[l:opt_name]
" echo 's:themeOpt_' . l:opt_name . ' = ' . s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name}
" 3.2 In case user sets for a specific variant of a theme
" Create the string that the user might have set for this theme variant
" for example, 'default.dark'
let l:specific_theme_variant = s:theme_name . '.' . s:selected_variant
if has_key(s:theme_options, l:specific_theme_variant)
let l:theme_options = s:theme_options[l:specific_theme_variant]
for l:opt_name in keys(l:theme_options)
let s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name} = l:theme_options[l:opt_name]
" echo 's:themeOpt_' . l:opt_name . ' = ' . s:{'themeOpt_' . l:opt_name}
" }}}
" Check If Theme Has Hint: {{{
" Brief:
" Function to Check if the selected theme and variant has a hint
" Details:
" A hint is a known key that has value 1
" It is not part of theme design but is used for technical purposes
" Example:
" If a theme has hint 'NO_CONVERSION', then we can assume that every
" color value is a complete pair, so we don't have to check.
fun! s:theme_has_hint(hint)
return has_key(s:selected_theme[s:selected_variant], a:hint) &&
\ s:selected_theme[s:selected_variant][a:hint] == 1
" }}}
" Set Overriding Colors: {{{
fun! s:set_overriding_colors()
if s:theme_has_hint('NO_CONVERSION')
" s:convert_colors will not do anything, so we take care of conversion
" for the overriding colors that need to be converted
if s:mode == s:MODE_GUI_COLOR
" if GUI color is not provided, convert from 256 color that must be available
if !empty(s:themeOpt_override)
call s:load_256_to_GUI_converter()
for l:color in keys(s:themeOpt_override)
let l:value = s:themeOpt_override[l:color]
if l:value[0] == ''
let l:value[0] = s:to_HEX[l:value[1]]
let s:palette[l:color] = l:value
elseif s:mode == s:MODE_256_COLOR
" if 256 color is not provided, convert from GUI color that must be available
if !empty(s:themeOpt_override)
call s:load_GUI_to_256_converter()
for l:color in keys(s:themeOpt_override)
let l:value = s:themeOpt_override[l:color]
if l:value[1] == ''
let l:value[1] = s:to_256(l:value[0])
let s:palette[l:color] = l:value
else " simply set the colors and let s:convert_colors() take care of conversion
for l:color in keys(s:themeOpt_override)
let s:palette[l:color] = s:themeOpt_override[l:color]
" }}}
" Generate Language Option Variables: {{{
" Brief:
" Function to generate language option variables so that there is no need to
" look up from the dictionary every time the option value is checked in the
" function s:apply_syntax_highlightings()
" Require:
" s:options <dictionary> user options
" Require Optionally:
" g:PaperColor_Theme_Options <dictionary> user option config in .vimrc
" Expose:
" s:langOpt_[LANGUAGE]__[OPTION] <any> variables for language options
" Example:
" g:PaperColor_Theme_Options has something like this:
" 'language': {
" \ 'python': {
" \ 'highlight_builtins': 1
" \ }
" }
" The following variable will be generated:
" s:langOpt_python__highlight_builtins = 1
fun! s:generate_language_option_variables()
" 0. All possible theme option names must be registered here
let l:available_language_options = [
\ 'c__highlight_builtins',
\ 'cpp__highlight_standard_library',
\ 'python__highlight_builtins'
\ ]
" 1. Generate variables and set to default value
for l:option in l:available_language_options
let s:{'langOpt_' . l:option} = 0
" Part of user-config options
if has_key(s:options, 'language')
let l:language_options = s:options['language']
" echo l:language_options
for l:lang in keys(l:language_options)
let l:options = l:language_options[l:lang]
" echo l:lang
" echo l:options
for l:option in keys(l:options)
let s:{'langOpt_' . l:lang . '__' . l:option} = l:options[l:option]
" echo 's:langOpt_' . l:lang . '__' . l:option . ' = ' . l:options[l:option]
" }}}
" =========================== COLOR CONVERTER =================================
fun! s:load_GUI_to_256_converter()
" GUI-color To 256-color: {{{
" Returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level
fun! s:grey_number(x)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:x < 23
return 0
elseif a:x < 69
return 1
elseif a:x < 103
return 2
elseif a:x < 127
return 3
elseif a:x < 150
return 4
elseif a:x < 173
return 5
elseif a:x < 196
return 6
elseif a:x < 219
return 7
elseif a:x < 243
return 8
return 9
if a:x < 14
return 0
let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10
let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10
if l:m < 5
return l:n
return l:n + 1
" Returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index
fun! s:grey_level(n)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:n == 0
return 0
elseif a:n == 1
return 46
elseif a:n == 2
return 92
elseif a:n == 3
return 115
elseif a:n == 4
return 139
elseif a:n == 5
return 162
elseif a:n == 6
return 185
elseif a:n == 7
return 208
elseif a:n == 8
return 231
return 255
if a:n == 0
return 0
return 8 + (a:n * 10)
" Returns the palette index for the given grey index
fun! s:grey_colour(n)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:n == 0
return 16
elseif a:n == 9
return 79
return 79 + a:n
if a:n == 0
return 16
elseif a:n == 25
return 231
return 231 + a:n
" Returns an approximate colour index for the given colour level
fun! s:rgb_number(x)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:x < 69
return 0
elseif a:x < 172
return 1
elseif a:x < 230
return 2
return 3
if a:x < 75
return 0
let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40
let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40
if l:m < 20
return l:n
return l:n + 1
" Returns the actual colour level for the given colour index
fun! s:rgb_level(n)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:n == 0
return 0
elseif a:n == 1
return 139
elseif a:n == 2
return 205
return 255
if a:n == 0
return 0
return 55 + (a:n * 40)
" Returns the palette index for the given R/G/B colour indices
fun! s:rgb_colour(x, y, z)
if &t_Co == 88
return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z
return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z
" Returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B colour levels
fun! s:colour(r, g, b)
" Get the closest grey
let l:gx = s:grey_number(a:r)
let l:gy = s:grey_number(a:g)
let l:gz = s:grey_number(a:b)
" Get the closest colour
let l:x = s:rgb_number(a:r)
let l:y = s:rgb_number(a:g)
let l:z = s:rgb_number(a:b)
if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz
" There are two possibilities
let l:dgr = s:grey_level(l:gx) - a:r
let l:dgg = s:grey_level(l:gy) - a:g
let l:dgb = s:grey_level(l:gz) - a:b
let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb)
let l:dr = s:rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r
let l:dg = s:rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g
let l:db = s:rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b
let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db)
if l:dgrey < l:drgb
" Use the grey
return s:grey_colour(l:gx)
" Use the colour
return s:rgb_colour(l:x, l:y, l:z)
" Only one possibility
return s:rgb_colour(l:x, l:y, l:z)
" Returns the palette index to approximate the '#rrggbb' hex string
fun! s:to_256(rgb)
let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 1, 2)) + 0
let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 3, 2)) + 0
let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 5, 2)) + 0
return s:colour(l:r, l:g, l:b)
" }}}
fun! s:load_256_to_GUI_converter()
" 256-color To GUI-color: {{{
""" Xterm 256 color dictionary
" See:
let s:to_HEX = {
\ '00': '#000000', '01': '#800000', '02': '#008000', '03': '#808000', '04': '#000080',
\ '05': '#800080', '06': '#008080', '07': '#c0c0c0', '08': '#808080', '09': '#ff0000',
\ '10': '#00ff00', '11': '#ffff00', '12': '#0000ff', '13': '#ff00ff', '14': '#00ffff',
\ '15': '#ffffff', '16': '#000000', '17': '#00005f', '18': '#000087', '19': '#0000af',
\ '20': '#0000d7', '21': '#0000ff', '22': '#005f00', '23': '#005f5f', '24': '#005f87',
\ '25': '#005faf', '26': '#005fd7', '27': '#005fff', '28': '#008700', '29': '#00875f',
\ '30': '#008787', '31': '#0087af', '32': '#0087d7', '33': '#0087ff', '34': '#00af00',
\ '35': '#00af5f', '36': '#00af87', '37': '#00afaf', '38': '#00afd7', '39': '#00afff',
\ '40': '#00d700', '41': '#00d75f', '42': '#00d787', '43': '#00d7af', '44': '#00d7d7',
\ '45': '#00d7ff', '46': '#00ff00', '47': '#00ff5f', '48': '#00ff87', '49': '#00ffaf',
\ '50': '#00ffd7', '51': '#00ffff', '52': '#5f0000', '53': '#5f005f', '54': '#5f0087',
\ '55': '#5f00af', '56': '#5f00d7', '57': '#5f00ff', '58': '#5f5f00', '59': '#5f5f5f',
\ '60': '#5f5f87', '61': '#5f5faf', '62': '#5f5fd7', '63': '#5f5fff', '64': '#5f8700',
\ '65': '#5f875f', '66': '#5f8787', '67': '#5f87af', '68': '#5f87d7', '69': '#5f87ff',
\ '70': '#5faf00', '71': '#5faf5f', '72': '#5faf87', '73': '#5fafaf', '74': '#5fafd7',
\ '75': '#5fafff', '76': '#5fd700', '77': '#5fd75f', '78': '#5fd787', '79': '#5fd7af',
\ '80': '#5fd7d7', '81': '#5fd7ff', '82': '#5fff00', '83': '#5fff5f', '84': '#5fff87',
\ '85': '#5fffaf', '86': '#5fffd7', '87': '#5fffff', '88': '#870000', '89': '#87005f',
\ '90': '#870087', '91': '#8700af', '92': '#8700d7', '93': '#8700ff', '94': '#875f00',
\ '95': '#875f5f', '96': '#875f87', '97': '#875faf', '98': '#875fd7', '99': '#875fff',
\ '100': '#878700', '101': '#87875f', '102': '#878787', '103': '#8787af', '104': '#8787d7',
\ '105': '#8787ff', '106': '#87af00', '107': '#87af5f', '108': '#87af87', '109': '#87afaf',
\ '110': '#87afd7', '111': '#87afff', '112': '#87d700', '113': '#87d75f', '114': '#87d787',
\ '115': '#87d7af', '116': '#87d7d7', '117': '#87d7ff', '118': '#87ff00', '119': '#87ff5f',
\ '120': '#87ff87', '121': '#87ffaf', '122': '#87ffd7', '123': '#87ffff', '124': '#af0000',
\ '125': '#af005f', '126': '#af0087', '127': '#af00af', '128': '#af00d7', '129': '#af00ff',
\ '130': '#af5f00', '131': '#af5f5f', '132': '#af5f87', '133': '#af5faf', '134': '#af5fd7',
\ '135': '#af5fff', '136': '#af8700', '137': '#af875f', '138': '#af8787', '139': '#af87af',
\ '140': '#af87d7', '141': '#af87ff', '142': '#afaf00', '143': '#afaf5f', '144': '#afaf87',
\ '145': '#afafaf', '146': '#afafd7', '147': '#afafff', '148': '#afd700', '149': '#afd75f',
\ '150': '#afd787', '151': '#afd7af', '152': '#afd7d7', '153': '#afd7ff', '154': '#afff00',
\ '155': '#afff5f', '156': '#afff87', '157': '#afffaf', '158': '#afffd7', '159': '#afffff',
\ '160': '#d70000', '161': '#d7005f', '162': '#d70087', '163': '#d700af', '164': '#d700d7',
\ '165': '#d700ff', '166': '#d75f00', '167': '#d75f5f', '168': '#d75f87', '169': '#d75faf',
\ '170': '#d75fd7', '171': '#d75fff', '172': '#d78700', '173': '#d7875f', '174': '#d78787',
\ '175': '#d787af', '176': '#d787d7', '177': '#d787ff', '178': '#d7af00', '179': '#d7af5f',
\ '180': '#d7af87', '181': '#d7afaf', '182': '#d7afd7', '183': '#d7afff', '184': '#d7d700',
\ '185': '#d7d75f', '186': '#d7d787', '187': '#d7d7af', '188': '#d7d7d7', '189': '#d7d7ff',
\ '190': '#d7ff00', '191': '#d7ff5f', '192': '#d7ff87', '193': '#d7ffaf', '194': '#d7ffd7',
\ '195': '#d7ffff', '196': '#ff0000', '197': '#ff005f', '198': '#ff0087', '199': '#ff00af',
\ '200': '#ff00d7', '201': '#ff00ff', '202': '#ff5f00', '203': '#ff5f5f', '204': '#ff5f87',
\ '205': '#ff5faf', '206': '#ff5fd7', '207': '#ff5fff', '208': '#ff8700', '209': '#ff875f',
\ '210': '#ff8787', '211': '#ff87af', '212': '#ff87d7', '213': '#ff87ff', '214': '#ffaf00',
\ '215': '#ffaf5f', '216': '#ffaf87', '217': '#ffafaf', '218': '#ffafd7', '219': '#ffafff',
\ '220': '#ffd700', '221': '#ffd75f', '222': '#ffd787', '223': '#ffd7af', '224': '#ffd7d7',
\ '225': '#ffd7ff', '226': '#ffff00', '227': '#ffff5f', '228': '#ffff87', '229': '#ffffaf',
\ '230': '#ffffd7', '231': '#ffffff', '232': '#080808', '233': '#121212', '234': '#1c1c1c',
\ '235': '#262626', '236': '#303030', '237': '#3a3a3a', '238': '#444444', '239': '#4e4e4e',
\ '240': '#585858', '241': '#626262', '242': '#6c6c6c', '243': '#767676', '244': '#808080',
\ '245': '#8a8a8a', '246': '#949494', '247': '#9e9e9e', '248': '#a8a8a8', '249': '#b2b2b2',
\ '250': '#bcbcbc', '251': '#c6c6c6', '252': '#d0d0d0', '253': '#dadada', '254': '#e4e4e4',
\ '255': '#eeeeee' }
" }}}
" ========================== ENVIRONMENT ADAPTER ==============================
" Set Format Attributes: {{{
fun! s:set_format_attributes()
" These are the default
if s:mode == s:MODE_GUI_COLOR
let s:ft_bold = " cterm=bold gui=bold "
let s:ft_none = " cterm=none gui=none "
let s:ft_reverse = " cterm=reverse gui=reverse "
let s:ft_italic = " cterm=italic gui=italic "
let s:ft_italic_bold = " cterm=italic,bold gui=italic,bold "
elseif s:mode == s:MODE_256_COLOR
let s:ft_bold = " cterm=bold "
let s:ft_none = " cterm=none "
let s:ft_reverse = " cterm=reverse "
let s:ft_italic = " cterm=italic "
let s:ft_italic_bold = " cterm=italic,bold "
let s:ft_bold = ""
let s:ft_none = " cterm=none "
let s:ft_reverse = " cterm=reverse "
let s:ft_italic = ""
let s:ft_italic_bold = ""
" Unless instructed otherwise either by theme setting or user overriding
if s:themeOpt_allow_bold == 0
let s:ft_bold = ""
if s:themeOpt_allow_italic == 0
let s:ft_italic = ""
let s:ft_italic_bold = s:ft_bold
" }}}
" Convert Colors If Needed: {{{
fun! s:convert_colors()
if s:theme_has_hint('NO_CONVERSION')
if s:mode == s:MODE_GUI_COLOR
" if GUI color is not provided, convert from 256 color that must be available
call s:load_256_to_GUI_converter()
for l:color in keys(s:palette)
let l:value = s:palette[l:color]
if l:value[0] == ''
let l:value[0] = s:to_HEX[l:value[1]]
let s:palette[l:color] = l:value
elseif s:mode == s:MODE_256_COLOR
" if 256 color is not provided, convert from GUI color that must be available
call s:load_GUI_to_256_converter()
for l:color in keys(s:palette)
let l:value = s:palette[l:color]
if l:value[1] == ''
let l:value[1] = s:to_256(l:value[0])
let s:palette[l:color] = l:value
" otherwise use the terminal colors and none of the theme colors are used
" }}}
" ============================ COLOR POPULARIZER ===============================
" Set Color Variables: {{{
fun! s:set_color_variables()
" Helper: {{{
" -------
" Function to dynamically generate variables that store the color strings
" for setting highlighting. Each color name will have 2 variables with prefix
" s:fg_ and s:bg_. For example:
" if a:color_name is 'Normal' and a:color_value is ['#000000', '0', 'Black'],
" the following 2 variables will be created:
" s:fg_Normal that stores the string ' guifg=#000000 '
" s:bg_Normal that stores the string ' guibg=#000000 '
" Depending on the color mode, ctermfg and ctermbg will be either 0 or Black
" Rationale:
" The whole purpose is for speed. We generate these ahead of time so that we
" don't have to do look up or do any if-branch when we set the highlightings.
" Furthermore, multiple function definitions for each mode actually reduces
" the need for multiple if-branches inside a single function. This is not
" pretty, but Vim Script is slow, so reducing if-branches in function that is
" often called helps speeding things up quite a bit. Think of this like macro.
" If you are familiar with the old code base (v0.9 and ealier), this way of
" generate variables dramatically reduces the loading speed.
" None of previous optimization tricks gets anywhere near this.
if s:mode == s:MODE_GUI_COLOR
fun! s:create_color_variables(color_name, rich_color, term_color)
let {'s:fg_' . a:color_name} = ' guifg=' . a:rich_color[0] . ' '
let {'s:bg_' . a:color_name} = ' guibg=' . a:rich_color[0] . ' '
elseif s:mode == s:MODE_256_COLOR
fun! s:create_color_variables(color_name, rich_color, term_color)
let {'s:fg_' . a:color_name} = ' ctermfg=' . a:rich_color[1] . ' '
let {'s:bg_' . a:color_name} = ' ctermbg=' . a:rich_color[1] . ' '
fun! s:create_color_variables(color_name, rich_color, term_color)
let {'s:fg_' . a:color_name} = ' ctermfg=' . a:term_color . ' '
let {'s:bg_' . a:color_name} = ' ctermbg=' . a:term_color . ' '
" }}}
" Color value format: Array [<GUI COLOR/HEX >, <256-Base>, <16-Base>]
" 16-Base is terminal's native color palette that can be alternated through
" the terminal settings. The 16-color names are according to `:h cterm-colors`
" color00-15 are required by all themes.
" These are also how the terminal color palette for the target theme should be.
" See README for theme design guideline
" An example format of the below variable's value: ['#262626', '234', 'Black']
" Where the 1st value is HEX color for GUI Vim, 2nd value is for 256-color terminal,
" and the color name on the right is for 16-color terminal (the actual terminal colors
" can be different from what the color names suggest). See :h cterm-colors
" Depending on the provided color palette and current Vim, the 1st and 2nd
" parameter might not exist, for example, on 16-color terminal, the variables below
" only store the color names to use the terminal color palette which is the only
" thing available therefore no need for GUI-color or 256-color.
let color00 = get(s:palette, 'color00')
let color01 = get(s:palette, 'color01')
let color02 = get(s:palette, 'color02')
let color03 = get(s:palette, 'color03')
let color04 = get(s:palette, 'color04')
let color05 = get(s:palette, 'color05')
let color06 = get(s:palette, 'color06')
let color07 = get(s:palette, 'color07')
let color08 = get(s:palette, 'color08')
let color09 = get(s:palette, 'color09')
let color10 = get(s:palette, 'color10')
let color11 = get(s:palette, 'color11')
let color12 = get(s:palette, 'color12')
let color13 = get(s:palette, 'color13')
let color14 = get(s:palette, 'color14')
let color15 = get(s:palette, 'color15')
call s:create_color_variables('background', color00 , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('negative', color01 , 'DarkRed')
call s:create_color_variables('positive', color02 , 'DarkGreen')
call s:create_color_variables('olive', color03 , 'DarkYellow') " string
call s:create_color_variables('neutral', color04 , 'DarkBlue')
call s:create_color_variables('comment', color05 , 'DarkMagenta')
call s:create_color_variables('navy', color06 , 'DarkCyan') " storageclass
call s:create_color_variables('foreground', color07 , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('nontext', color08 , 'DarkGray')
call s:create_color_variables('red', color09 , 'LightRed') " import / try/catch
call s:create_color_variables('pink', color10 , 'LightGreen') " statement, type
call s:create_color_variables('purple', color11 , 'LightYellow') " if / conditional
call s:create_color_variables('accent', color12 , 'LightBlue')
call s:create_color_variables('orange', color13 , 'LightMagenta') " number
call s:create_color_variables('blue', color14 , 'LightCyan') " other keyword
call s:create_color_variables('highlight', color15 , 'White')
" Note: special case for FoldColumn group. I want to get rid of this case.
call s:create_color_variables('transparent', [color00[0], 'none'], 'none')
" From here on, all colors are optional and must have default values (3rd parameter of the
" `get` command) that point to the above basic colors in case the target theme doesn't
" provide the extended colors. The default values should be reasonably sensible.
" The terminal color must be provided also.
call s:create_color_variables('aqua', get(s:palette, 'color16', color14) , 'LightCyan')
call s:create_color_variables('green', get(s:palette, 'color17', color13) , 'LightMagenta')
call s:create_color_variables('wine', get(s:palette, 'color18', color11) , 'LightYellow')
" LineNumber: when set number
call s:create_color_variables('linenumber_fg', get(s:palette, 'linenumber_fg', color08) , 'DarkGray')
call s:create_color_variables('linenumber_bg', get(s:palette, 'linenumber_bg', color00) , 'Black')
" Vertical Split: when there are more than 1 window side by side, ex: <C-W><C-V>
call s:create_color_variables('vertsplit_fg', get(s:palette, 'vertsplit_fg', color15) , 'White')
call s:create_color_variables('vertsplit_bg', get(s:palette, 'vertsplit_bg', color00) , 'Black')
" Statusline: when set status=2
call s:create_color_variables('statusline_active_fg', get(s:palette, 'statusline_active_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('statusline_active_bg', get(s:palette, 'statusline_active_bg', color15) , 'White')
call s:create_color_variables('statusline_inactive_fg', get(s:palette, 'statusline_inactive_fg', color07) , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('statusline_inactive_bg', get(s:palette, 'statusline_inactive_bg', color08) , 'DarkGray')
" Cursor: in normal mode
call s:create_color_variables('cursor_fg', get(s:palette, 'cursor_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('cursor_bg', get(s:palette, 'cursor_bg', color07) , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('cursorline', get(s:palette, 'cursorline', color00) , 'Black')
" CursorColumn: when set cursorcolumn
call s:create_color_variables('cursorcolumn', get(s:palette, 'cursorcolumn', color00) , 'Black')
" CursorLine Number: when set cursorline number
call s:create_color_variables('cursorlinenr_fg', get(s:palette, 'cursorlinenr_fg', color13) , 'LightMagenta')
call s:create_color_variables('cursorlinenr_bg', get(s:palette, 'cursorlinenr_bg', color00) , 'Black')
" Popup Menu: when <C-X><C-N> for autocomplete
call s:create_color_variables('popupmenu_fg', get(s:palette, 'popupmenu_fg', color07) , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('popupmenu_bg', get(s:palette, 'popupmenu_bg', color08) , 'DarkGray') " TODO: double check this, might resolve an issue
" Search: ex: when * on a word
call s:create_color_variables('search_fg', get(s:palette, 'search_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('search_bg', get(s:palette, 'search_bg', color15) , 'Yellow')
" Todo: ex: TODO
call s:create_color_variables('todo_fg', get(s:palette, 'todo_fg', color05) , 'LightYellow')
call s:create_color_variables('todo_bg', get(s:palette, 'todo_bg', color00) , 'Black')
" Error: ex: turn spell on and have invalid words
call s:create_color_variables('error_fg', get(s:palette, 'error_fg', color01) , 'DarkRed')
call s:create_color_variables('error_bg', get(s:palette, 'error_bg', color00) , 'Black')
" Match Parenthesis: selecting an opening/closing pair and the other one will be highlighted
call s:create_color_variables('matchparen_fg', get(s:palette, 'matchparen_fg', color00) , 'LightMagenta')
call s:create_color_variables('matchparen_bg', get(s:palette, 'matchparen_bg', color05) , 'Black')
" Visual:
call s:create_color_variables('visual_fg', get(s:palette, 'visual_fg', color08) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('visual_bg', get(s:palette, 'visual_bg', color07) , 'White')
" Folded:
call s:create_color_variables('folded_fg', get(s:palette, 'folded_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('folded_bg', get(s:palette, 'folded_bg', color05) , 'DarkYellow')
" WildMenu: Autocomplete command, ex: :color <tab><tab>
call s:create_color_variables('wildmenu_fg', get(s:palette, 'wildmenu_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('wildmenu_bg', get(s:palette, 'wildmenu_bg', color06) , 'LightGray')
" Spelling: when spell on and there are spelling problems like this for example: papercolor. a vim color scheme
call s:create_color_variables('spellbad', get(s:palette, 'spellbad', color04) , 'DarkRed')
call s:create_color_variables('spellcap', get(s:palette, 'spellcap', color05) , 'DarkMagenta')
call s:create_color_variables('spellrare', get(s:palette, 'spellrare', color06) , 'DarkYellow')
call s:create_color_variables('spelllocal', get(s:palette, 'spelllocal', color01) , 'DarkBlue')
" Diff:
call s:create_color_variables('diffadd_fg', get(s:palette, 'diffadd_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('diffadd_bg', get(s:palette, 'diffadd_bg', color02) , 'DarkGreen')
call s:create_color_variables('diffdelete_fg', get(s:palette, 'diffdelete_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('diffdelete_bg', get(s:palette, 'diffdelete_bg', color04) , 'DarkRed')
call s:create_color_variables('difftext_fg', get(s:palette, 'difftext_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('difftext_bg', get(s:palette, 'difftext_bg', color06) , 'DarkYellow')
call s:create_color_variables('diffchange_fg', get(s:palette, 'diffchange_fg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('diffchange_bg', get(s:palette, 'diffchange_bg', color14) , 'LightYellow')
" Tabline: when having tabs, ex: :tabnew
call s:create_color_variables('tabline_bg', get(s:palette, 'tabline_bg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('tabline_active_fg', get(s:palette, 'tabline_active_fg', color07) , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('tabline_active_bg', get(s:palette, 'tabline_active_bg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('tabline_inactive_fg', get(s:palette, 'tabline_inactive_fg', color07) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('tabline_inactive_bg', get(s:palette, 'tabline_inactive_bg', color08) , 'DarkMagenta')
" Plugin: BufTabLine
call s:create_color_variables('buftabline_bg', get(s:palette, 'buftabline_bg', color00) , 'Black')
call s:create_color_variables('buftabline_current_fg', get(s:palette, 'buftabline_current_fg', color07) , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('buftabline_current_bg', get(s:palette, 'buftabline_current_bg', color05) , 'DarkMagenta')
call s:create_color_variables('buftabline_active_fg', get(s:palette, 'buftabline_active_fg', color07) , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('buftabline_active_bg', get(s:palette, 'buftabline_active_bg', color12) , 'LightBlue')
call s:create_color_variables('buftabline_inactive_fg', get(s:palette, 'buftabline_inactive_fg', color07) , 'LightGray')
call s:create_color_variables('buftabline_inactive_bg', get(s:palette, 'buftabline_inactive_bg', color00) , 'Black')
" Neovim terminal colors
" TODO: Fix this
let g:terminal_color_0 = color00[0]
let g:terminal_color_1 = color01[0]
let g:terminal_color_2 = color02[0]
let g:terminal_color_3 = color03[0]
let g:terminal_color_4 = color04[0]
let g:terminal_color_5 = color05[0]
let g:terminal_color_6 = color06[0]
let g:terminal_color_7 = color07[0]
let g:terminal_color_8 = color08[0]
let g:terminal_color_9 = color09[0]
let g:terminal_color_10 = color10[0]
let g:terminal_color_11 = color11[0]
let g:terminal_color_12 = color12[0]
let g:terminal_color_13 = color13[0]
let g:terminal_color_14 = color14[0]
let g:terminal_color_15 = color15[0]
" Vim 8's :terminal buffer ANSI colors
if has('terminal')
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [color00[0], color01[0], color02[0], color03[0],
\ color04[0], color05[0], color06[0], color07[0], color08[0], color09[0],
\ color10[0], color11[0], color12[0], color13[0], color14[0], color15[0]]
" }}}
" Apply Syntax Highlightings: {{{
fun! s:apply_syntax_highlightings()
if s:themeOpt_transparent_background
exec 'hi Normal' . s:fg_foreground
" Switching between dark & light variant through `set background`
" NOTE: Handle background switching right after `Normal` group because of
" God-know-why reason. Not doing this way had caused issue before
if s:is_dark " DARK VARIANT
set background=dark
set background=light
exec 'hi NonText' . s:fg_nontext
exec 'hi LineNr' . s:fg_linenumber_fg
exec 'hi Conceal' . s:fg_linenumber_fg
exec 'hi VertSplit' . s:fg_vertsplit_fg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi FoldColumn' . s:fg_folded_fg . s:bg_transparent . s:ft_none
exec 'hi Normal' . s:fg_foreground . s:bg_background
" Switching between dark & light variant through `set background`
if s:is_dark " DARK VARIANT
set background=dark
exec 'hi EndOfBuffer' . s:fg_cursor_fg . s:ft_none
set background=light
exec 'hi NonText' . s:fg_nontext . s:bg_background
exec 'hi LineNr' . s:fg_linenumber_fg . s:bg_linenumber_bg
exec 'hi Conceal' . s:fg_linenumber_fg . s:bg_linenumber_bg
exec 'hi VertSplit' . s:fg_vertsplit_bg . s:bg_vertsplit_fg
exec 'hi FoldColumn' . s:fg_folded_fg . s:bg_background . s:ft_none
exec 'hi Cursor' . s:fg_cursor_fg . s:bg_cursor_bg
exec 'hi SpecialKey' . s:fg_nontext
exec 'hi Search' . s:fg_search_fg . s:bg_search_bg
exec 'hi StatusLine' . s:fg_statusline_active_bg . s:bg_statusline_active_fg
exec 'hi StatusLineNC' . s:fg_statusline_inactive_bg . s:bg_statusline_inactive_fg
exec 'hi StatusLineTerm' . s:fg_statusline_active_bg . s:bg_statusline_active_fg
exec 'hi StatusLineTermNC' . s:fg_statusline_inactive_bg . s:bg_statusline_inactive_fg
exec 'hi Visual' . s:fg_visual_fg . s:bg_visual_bg
exec 'hi Directory' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi ModeMsg' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi MoreMsg' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi Question' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi WarningMsg' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi MatchParen' . s:fg_matchparen_fg . s:bg_matchparen_bg
exec 'hi Folded' . s:fg_folded_fg . s:bg_folded_bg
exec 'hi WildMenu' . s:fg_wildmenu_fg . s:bg_wildmenu_bg . s:ft_bold
if version >= 700
exec 'hi CursorLine' . s:bg_cursorline . s:ft_none
if s:mode == s:MODE_16_COLOR
exec 'hi CursorLineNr' . s:fg_cursorlinenr_fg . s:bg_cursorlinenr_bg
exec 'hi CursorLineNr' . s:fg_cursorlinenr_fg . s:bg_cursorlinenr_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi CursorColumn' . s:bg_cursorcolumn . s:ft_none
exec 'hi PMenu' . s:fg_popupmenu_fg . s:bg_popupmenu_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi PMenuSel' . s:fg_popupmenu_fg . s:bg_popupmenu_bg . s:ft_reverse
if s:themeOpt_transparent_background
exec 'hi SignColumn' . s:fg_green . s:ft_none
exec 'hi SignColumn' . s:fg_green . s:bg_background . s:ft_none
if version >= 703
exec 'hi ColorColumn' . s:bg_cursorcolumn . s:ft_none
exec 'hi TabLine' . s:fg_tabline_inactive_fg . s:bg_tabline_inactive_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi TabLineFill' . s:fg_tabline_bg . s:bg_tabline_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi TabLineSel' . s:fg_tabline_active_fg . s:bg_tabline_active_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi BufTabLineCurrent' . s:fg_buftabline_current_fg . s:bg_buftabline_current_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi BufTabLineActive' . s:fg_buftabline_active_fg . s:bg_buftabline_active_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi BufTabLineHidden' . s:fg_buftabline_inactive_fg . s:bg_buftabline_inactive_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi BufTabLineFill' . s:bg_buftabline_bg . s:ft_none
" Standard Group Highlighting:
exec 'hi Comment' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_italic
exec 'hi Constant' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi String' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi Character' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi Number' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi Boolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Float' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi Identifier' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi Function' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi Statement' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_none
exec 'hi Conditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Repeat' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Label' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi Operator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_none
exec 'hi Keyword' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi Exception' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi PreProc' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi Include' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi Define' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi Macro' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi PreCondit' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi Type' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi StorageClass' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Structure' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Typedef' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Special' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi SpecialChar' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi Tag' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi Delimiter' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi SpecialComment' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Debug' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi Error' . s:fg_error_fg . s:bg_error_bg
exec 'hi Todo' . s:fg_todo_fg . s:bg_todo_bg . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi Title' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi Global' . s:fg_blue
" Extension {{{
" VimL Highlighting
exec 'hi vimCommand' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi vimVar' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi vimFuncKey' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi vimFunction' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi vimNotFunc' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi vimMap' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi vimAutoEvent' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi vimMapModKey' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi vimFuncName' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi vimIsCommand' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimFuncVar' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi vimLet' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi vimContinue' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi vimMapRhsExtend' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimCommentTitle' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_italic_bold
exec 'hi vimBracket' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi vimParenSep' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi vimNotation' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi vimOper' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimOperParen' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimSynType' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi vimSynReg' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_none
exec 'hi vimSynRegion' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimSynMtchGrp' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi vimSynNextgroup' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi vimSynKeyRegion' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi vimSynRegOpt' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi vimSynMtchOpt' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi vimSynContains' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi vimGroupName' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimGroupList' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimHiGroup' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi vimGroup' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi vimOnlyOption' . s:fg_blue
" Makefile Highlighting
exec 'hi makeIdent' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi makeSpecTarget' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi makeTarget' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi makeStatement' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi makeCommands' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi makeSpecial' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
" CMake Highlighting (Builtin)
exec 'hi cmakeStatement' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cmakeArguments' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cmakeVariableValue' . s:fg_pink
" CMake Highlighting (Plugin:
exec 'hi cmakeCommand' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cmakeCommandConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cmakeKWset' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cmakeKWvariable_watch' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cmakeKWif' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cmakeArguments' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cmakeKWproject' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi cmakeGeneratorExpressions' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cmakeGeneratorExpression' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeVariable' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi cmakeProperty' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWforeach' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWunset' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWmacro' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWget_property' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWset_tests_properties' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWmessage' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWinstall_targets' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cmakeKWsource_group' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cmakeKWfind_package' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWstring' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi cmakeKWinstall' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cmakeKWtarget_sources' . s:fg_orange
" C Highlighting
exec 'hi cType' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cFormat' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi cStorageClass' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cCharacter' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi cConstant' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cSpecial' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cDefine' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cNumber' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cPreCondit' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cRepeat' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cLabel' . s:fg_aqua
" exec 'hi cAnsiFunction' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
" exec 'hi cAnsiName' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi cDelimiter' . s:fg_blue
" exec 'hi cBraces' . s:fg_foreground
" exec 'hi cIdentifier' . s:fg_blue . s:bg_pink
" exec 'hi cSemiColon' . s:bg_blue
exec 'hi cOperator' . s:fg_aqua
" exec 'hi cStatement' . s:fg_pink
" exec 'hi cTodo' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_bold
" exec 'hi cStructure' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cCustomParen' . s:fg_foreground
" exec 'hi cCustomFunc' . s:fg_foreground
" exec 'hi cUserFunction' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cOctalZero' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
if s:langOpt_c__highlight_builtins == 1
exec 'hi cFunction' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cFunction' . s:fg_foreground
" CPP highlighting
exec 'hi cppBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cppSTLnamespace' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi cppSTLexception' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi cppSTLfunctional' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cppSTLiterator' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cppExceptions' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi cppStatement' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cppStorageClass' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cppAccess' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
if s:langOpt_cpp__highlight_standard_library == 1
exec 'hi cppSTLconstant' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cppSTLtype' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cppSTLfunction' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cppSTLios' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cppSTLconstant' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cppSTLtype' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cppSTLfunction' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cppSTLios' . s:fg_foreground
" exec 'hi cppSTL' . s:fg_blue
" Rust highlighting
exec 'hi rustKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi rustModPath' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi rustModPathSep' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi rustLifetime' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi rustStructure' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustAttribute' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustPanic' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustTrait' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustEnum' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustEnumVariant' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi rustSelf' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi rustSigil' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustOperator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustMacro' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustMacroVariable' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi rustAssert' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rustConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
" Lex highlighting
exec 'hi lexCFunctions' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi lexAbbrv' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi lexAbbrvRegExp' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi lexAbbrvComment' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi lexBrace' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi lexPat' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi lexPatComment' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi lexPatTag' . s:fg_orange
" exec 'hi lexPatBlock' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi lexSlashQuote' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi lexSep' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi lexStartState' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi lexPatTagZone' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi lexMorePat' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi lexOptions' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi lexPatString' . s:fg_olive
" Yacc highlighting
exec 'hi yaccNonterminal' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi yaccDelim' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi yaccInitKey' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi yaccInit' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi yaccKey' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi yaccVar' . s:fg_aqua
" NASM highlighting
exec 'hi nasmStdInstruction' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi nasmGen08Register' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi nasmGen16Register' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi nasmGen32Register' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi nasmGen64Register' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi nasmHexNumber' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi nasmStorage' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi nasmLabel' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi nasmDirective' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi nasmLocalLabel' . s:fg_orange
" GAS highlighting
exec 'hi gasSymbol' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi gasDirective' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi gasOpcode_386_Base' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi gasDecimalNumber' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi gasSymbolRef' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi gasRegisterX86' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi gasOpcode_P6_Base' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi gasDirectiveStore' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
" MIPS highlighting
exec 'hi mipsInstruction' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi mipsRegister' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi mipsLabel' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi mipsDirective' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
" Shell/Bash highlighting
exec 'hi bashStatement' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi shDerefVar' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi shDerefSimple' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi shFunction' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi shStatement' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi shLoop' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi shQuote' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi shCaseEsac' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi shSnglCase' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_none
exec 'hi shFunctionOne' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi shCase' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi shSetList' . s:fg_navy
" @see Dockerfile Highlighting section for more sh*
" PowerShell Highlighting
exec 'hi ps1Type' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi ps1Variable' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi ps1Boolean' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi ps1FunctionInvocation' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi ps1FunctionDeclaration' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi ps1Keyword' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi ps1Exception' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi ps1Operator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi ps1CommentDoc' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi ps1CDocParam' . s:fg_orange
" HTML Highlighting
exec 'hi htmlTitle' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlH1' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlH2' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlH3' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlH4' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlTag' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi htmlTagName' . s:fg_wine
exec 'hi htmlArg' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi htmlEndTag' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi htmlString' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi htmlScriptTag' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi htmlBold' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlItalic' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_italic
exec 'hi htmlBoldItalic' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_italic_bold
" exec 'hi htmlLink' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlTagN' . s:fg_wine . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi htmlSpecialTagName' . s:fg_wine
exec 'hi htmlComment' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_italic
exec 'hi htmlCommentPart' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_italic
" CSS Highlighting
exec 'hi cssIdentifier' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi cssPositioningProp' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cssNoise' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cssBoxProp' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cssTableAttr' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi cssPositioningAttr' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi cssValueLength' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cssFunctionName' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cssUnitDecorators' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cssColor' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cssBraces' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi cssBackgroundProp' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cssTextProp' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cssDimensionProp' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cssClassName' . s:fg_pink
" Markdown Highlighting
exec 'hi markdownHeadingRule' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi markdownH1' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi markdownH2' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi markdownBlockquote' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi markdownCodeBlock' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi markdownCode' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi markdownLink' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi markdownUrl' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi markdownLinkText' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi markdownLinkTextDelimiter' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi markdownLinkDelimiter' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi markdownCodeDelimiter' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi mkdCode' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi mkdLink' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi mkdURL' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi mkdString' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi mkdBlockQuote' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi mkdLinkTitle' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi mkdDelimiter' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi mkdRule' . s:fg_pink
" reStructuredText Highlighting
exec 'hi rstSections' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rstDelimiter' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rstExplicitMarkup' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rstDirective' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi rstHyperlinkTarget' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi rstExDirective' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi rstInlineLiteral' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi rstInterpretedTextOrHyperlinkReference' . s:fg_blue
" Python Highlighting
exec 'hi pythonImport' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonExceptions' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi pythonException' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonInclude' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi pythonStatement' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi pythonConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonRepeat' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonFunction' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonPreCondit' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi pythonExClass' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi pythonOperator' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonBuiltin' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi pythonDecorator' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi pythonString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi pythonEscape' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonStrFormatting' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonBytesEscape' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pythonDottedName' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi pythonStrFormat' . s:fg_foreground
if s:langOpt_python__highlight_builtins == 1
exec 'hi pythonBuiltinFunc' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi pythonBuiltinObj' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi pythonBuiltinFunc' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi pythonBuiltinObj' . s:fg_foreground
" Java Highlighting
exec 'hi javaExternal' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi javaAnnotation' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi javaTypedef' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi javaClassDecl' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaScopeDecl' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaStorageClass' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaConstant' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi javaCommentTitle' . s:fg_wine
exec 'hi javaDocTags' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi javaDocComment' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi javaDocParam' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi javaStatement' . s:fg_pink
" JavaScript Highlighting
exec 'hi javaScriptBraces' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi javaScriptParens' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi javaScriptIdentifier' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi javaScriptFunction' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaScriptConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaScriptRepeat' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaScriptBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javaScriptNumber' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi javaScriptMember' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi javaScriptReserved' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi javascriptNull' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi javascriptGlobal' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi javascriptStatement' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi javaScriptMessage' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi javaScriptMember' . s:fg_foreground
" TypeScript Highlighting
exec 'hi typescriptDecorators' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi typescriptLabel' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
" @target
exec 'hi jsImport' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi jsExport' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi jsModuleAs' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi jsFrom' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi jsExportDefault' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi jsFuncParens' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi jsFuncBraces' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi jsParens' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi jsBraces' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi jsNoise' . s:fg_blue
" Jsx Highlighting
" @target
exec 'hi jsxTagName' . s:fg_wine
exec 'hi jsxComponentName' . s:fg_wine
exec 'hi jsxAttrib' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi jsxEqual' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi jsxString' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi jsxCloseTag' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi jsxCloseString' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi jsxDot' . s:fg_wine
exec 'hi jsxNamespace' . s:fg_wine
exec 'hi jsxPunct' . s:fg_comment
" Json Highlighting
" @target
exec 'hi jsonKeyword' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi jsonString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi jsonQuote' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi jsonNoise' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi jsonKeywordMatch' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi jsonBraces' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi jsonNumber' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi jsonNull' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi jsonBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi jsonCommentError' . s:fg_pink . s:bg_background
" Go Highlighting
exec 'hi goDirective' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi goDeclaration' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi goStatement' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi goConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi goConstants' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi goFunction' . s:fg_orange
" exec 'hi goTodo' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi goDeclType' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi goBuiltins' . s:fg_purple
" Systemtap Highlighting
" exec 'hi stapBlock' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_none
exec 'hi stapComment' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_none
exec 'hi stapProbe' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi stapStat' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi stapFunc' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi stapString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi stapTarget' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi stapStatement' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi stapType' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi stapSharpBang' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi stapDeclaration' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi stapCMacro' . s:fg_blue
" DTrace Highlighting
exec 'hi dtraceProbe' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi dtracePredicate' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi dtraceComment' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi dtraceFunction' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi dtraceAggregatingFunction' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi dtraceStatement' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi dtraceIdentifier' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi dtraceOption' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi dtraceConstant' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi dtraceType' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
" PlantUML Highlighting
exec 'hi plantumlPreProc' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowRL' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowLR' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi plantumlString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi plantumlActivityThing' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi plantumlText' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi plantumlClassPublic' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi plantumlClassPrivate' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi plantumlColonLine' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi plantumlClass' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi plantumlHorizontalArrow' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi plantumlTypeKeyword' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi plantumlKeyword' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi plantumlType' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi plantumlBlock' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi plantumlPreposition' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi plantumlLayout' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi plantumlNote' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi plantumlLifecycle' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi plantumlParticipant' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
" Haskell Highlighting
exec 'hi haskellType' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi haskellIdentifier' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi haskellOperators' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi haskellWhere' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi haskellDelimiter' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi haskellImportKeywords' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi haskellStatement' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
" SQL/MySQL Highlighting
exec 'hi sqlStatement' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sqlType' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sqlKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi sqlOperator' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi sqlSpecial' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi mysqlVariable' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi mysqlType' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi mysqlKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi mysqlOperator' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi mysqlSpecial' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
" Octave/MATLAB Highlighting
exec 'hi octaveVariable' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi octaveDelimiter' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi octaveQueryVar' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi octaveSemicolon' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi octaveFunction' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi octaveSetVar' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi octaveUserVar' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi octaveArithmeticOperator' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi octaveBeginKeyword' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi octaveElseKeyword' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi octaveEndKeyword' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi octaveStatement' . s:fg_pink
" Ruby Highlighting
exec 'hi rubyModule' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyClass' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyPseudoVariable' . s:fg_comment . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi rubyInstanceVariable' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi rubyFunction' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyDefine' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi rubySymbol' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi rubyConstant' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi rubyAccess' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi rubyAttribute' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi rubyInclude' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi rubyLocalVariableOrMethod' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi rubyCurlyBlock' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi rubyCurlyBlockDelimiter' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi rubyArrayDelimiter' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi rubyStringDelimiter' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi rubyInterpolationDelimiter' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi rubyConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyRepeat' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyControl' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyException' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyExceptional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi rubyBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
" Fortran Highlighting
exec 'hi fortranUnitHeader' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranIntrinsic' . s:fg_blue . s:bg_background . s:ft_none
exec 'hi fortranType' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranTypeOb' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranStructure' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi fortranStorageClass' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranStorageClassR' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi fortranReadWrite' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranIO' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi fortranOperator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranCall' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fortranContinueMark' . s:fg_green
" ALGOL Highlighting (Plugin:
exec 'hi algol68Statement' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi algol68Operator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi algol68PreProc' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi algol68Function' . s:fg_blue
" R Highlighting
exec 'hi rType' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi rArrow' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi rDollar' . s:fg_blue
" XXD Highlighting
exec 'hi xxdAddress' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi xxdSep' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi xxdAscii' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi xxdDot' . s:fg_aqua
" PHP Highlighting
exec 'hi phpIdentifier' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi phpVarSelector' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi phpKeyword' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi phpRepeat' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi phpConditional' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi phpStatement' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi phpAssignByRef' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi phpSpecialFunction' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi phpFunctions' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi phpComparison' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi phpBackslashSequences' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi phpMemberSelector' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi phpStorageClass' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi phpDefine' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi phpIntVar' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
" Perl Highlighting
exec 'hi perlFiledescRead' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi perlMatchStartEnd' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi perlStatementFlow' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi perlStatementStorage' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi perlFunction' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi perlMethod' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi perlStatementFiledesc' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi perlVarPlain' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi perlSharpBang' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi perlStatementInclude' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi perlStatementScalar' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi perlSubName' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi perlSpecialString' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
" Pascal Highlighting
exec 'hi pascalType' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pascalStatement' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pascalPredefined' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi pascalFunction' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi pascalStruct' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pascalOperator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi pascalPreProc' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi pascalAcces' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
" Lua Highlighting
exec 'hi luaFunc' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi luaIn' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaFunction' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi luaStatement' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi luaRepeat' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaCondStart' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaTable' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaConstant' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaElse' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaCondElseif' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaCond' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi luaCondEnd' . s:fg_purple
" Clojure highlighting:
exec 'hi clojureConstant' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureBoolean' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi clojureCharacter' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi clojureKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi clojureNumber' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi clojureString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi clojureRegexp' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi clojureRegexpEscape' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi clojureParen' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi clojureVariable' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi clojureCond' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureDefine' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi clojureException' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi clojureFunc' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi clojureMacro' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureRepeat' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureSpecial' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi clojureQuote' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureUnquote' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureMeta' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureDeref' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureAnonArg' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureRepeat' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi clojureDispatch' . s:fg_aqua
" Dockerfile Highlighting
" @target
exec 'hi dockerfileKeyword' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi shDerefVar' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi shOperator' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi shOption' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi shLine' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi shWrapLineOperator' . s:fg_pink
" NGINX Highlighting
" @target
exec 'hi ngxDirectiveBlock' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi ngxDirective' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_none
exec 'hi ngxDirectiveImportant' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi ngxString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi ngxVariableString' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi ngxVariable' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_none
" Yaml Highlighting
exec 'hi yamlBlockMappingKey' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi yamlKeyValueDelimiter' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi yamlBlockCollectionItemStart' . s:fg_pink
" Qt QML Highlighting
exec 'hi qmlObjectLiteralType' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi qmlReserved' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi qmlBindingProperty' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi qmlType' . s:fg_navy
" Dosini Highlighting
exec 'hi dosiniHeader' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi dosiniLabel' . s:fg_blue
" Mail highlighting
exec 'hi mailHeaderKey' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi mailHeaderEmail' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi mailSubject' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi mailHeader' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi mailURL' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi mailEmail' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi mailQuoted1' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi mailQuoted2' . s:fg_navy
" XML Highlighting
exec 'hi xmlProcessingDelim' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi xmlString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi xmlEqual' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi xmlAttrib' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi xmlAttribPunct' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi xmlTag' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi xmlTagName' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi xmlEndTag' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi xmlNamespace' . s:fg_orange
" Exlixir Highlighting
" @target
exec 'hi elixirAlias' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elixirAtom' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi elixirVariable' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi elixirUnusedVariable' . s:fg_foreground . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elixirInclude' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi elixirStringDelimiter' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi elixirKeyword' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elixirFunctionDeclaration' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elixirBlockDefinition' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elixirDefine' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elixirStructDefine' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elixirPrivateDefine' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elixirModuleDefine' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elixirProtocolDefine' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elixirImplDefine' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elixirModuleDeclaration' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elixirDocString' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi elixirDocTest' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
" Erlang Highlighting
exec 'hi erlangBIF' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi erlangBracket' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi erlangLocalFuncCall' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi erlangVariable' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi erlangAtom' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi erlangAttribute' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi erlangRecordDef' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi erlangRecord' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi erlangRightArrow' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi erlangStringModifier' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi erlangInclude' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi erlangKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi erlangGlobalFuncCall' . s:fg_foreground
" Cucumber Highlighting
exec 'hi cucumberFeature' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cucumberBackground' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cucumberScenario' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cucumberGiven' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cucumberGivenAnd' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cucumberThen' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi cucumberThenAnd' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cucumberWhen' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cucumberScenarioOutline' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cucumberExamples' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cucumberTags' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi cucumberPlaceholder' . s:fg_aqua
" Ada Highlighting
exec 'hi adaInc' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi adaSpecial' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi adaKeyword' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi adaBegin' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi adaEnd' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi adaTypedef' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi adaAssignment' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi adaAttribute' . s:fg_green
" COBOL Highlighting
exec 'hi cobolMarker' . s:fg_comment . s:bg_cursorline
exec 'hi cobolLine' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi cobolReserved' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi cobolDivision' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cobolDivisionName' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cobolSection' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cobolSectionName' . s:fg_navy . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cobolParagraph' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi cobolParagraphName' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi cobolDeclA' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi cobolDecl' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi cobolCALLs' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi cobolEXECs' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
" GNU sed highlighting
exec 'hi sedST' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sedFlag' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sedRegexp47' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi sedRegexpMeta' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sedReplacement47' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi sedReplaceMeta' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sedAddress' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi sedFunction' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sedBranch' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi sedLabel' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
" GNU awk highlighting
exec 'hi awkPatterns' . s:fg_pink . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi awkSearch' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi awkRegExp' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi awkCharClass' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi awkFieldVars' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi awkStatement' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi awkFunction' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi awkVariables' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi awkArrayElement' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi awkOperator' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi awkBoolLogic' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi awkExpression' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi awkSpecialPrintf' . s:fg_olive . s:ft_bold
" Elm highlighting
exec 'hi elmImport' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi elmAlias' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi elmType' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi elmOperator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elmBraces' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elmTypedef' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi elmTopLevelDecl' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
" Purescript highlighting
exec 'hi purescriptModuleKeyword' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi purescriptImportKeyword' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi purescriptModuleName' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi purescriptOperator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi purescriptType' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi purescriptTypeVar' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi purescriptStructure' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi purescriptLet' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi purescriptFunction' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi purescriptDelimiter' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi purescriptStatement' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi purescriptConstructor' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi purescriptWhere' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
" F# highlighting
exec 'hi fsharpTypeName' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi fsharpCoreClass' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi fsharpType' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi fsharpKeyword' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fsharpOperator' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fsharpBoolean' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fsharpFormat' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi fsharpLinq' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi fsharpKeyChar' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi fsharpOption' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi fsharpCoreMethod' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi fsharpAttrib' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi fsharpModifier' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi fsharpOpen' . s:fg_red
" ASN.1 highlighting
exec 'hi asnExternal' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi asnTagModifier' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi asnBraces' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi asnDefinition' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi asnStructure' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi asnType' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi asnTypeInfo' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi asnFieldOption' . s:fg_purple
" }}}
" Plugin: Netrw
exec 'hi netrwVersion' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi netrwList' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi netrwHidePat' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi netrwQuickHelp' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi netrwHelpCmd' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi netrwDir' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi netrwClassify' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi netrwExe' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi netrwSuffixes' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi netrwTreeBar' . s:fg_linenumber_fg
" Plugin: NERDTree
exec 'hi NERDTreeUp' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi NERDTreeHelpCommand' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi NERDTreeHelpTitle' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi NERDTreeHelpKey' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi NERDTreeHelp' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi NERDTreeToggleOff' . s:fg_red
exec 'hi NERDTreeToggleOn' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi NERDTreeDir' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi NERDTreeDirSlash' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi NERDTreeFile' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi NERDTreeExecFile' . s:fg_green
exec 'hi NERDTreeOpenable' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi NERDTreeClosable' . s:fg_pink
" Plugin: Tagbar
exec 'hi TagbarHelpTitle' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi TagbarHelp' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi TagbarKind' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi TagbarSignature' . s:fg_aqua
" Plugin: Vimdiff
exec 'hi DiffAdd' . s:fg_diffadd_fg . s:bg_diffadd_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi DiffChange' . s:fg_diffchange_fg . s:bg_diffchange_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi DiffDelete' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg . s:bg_diffdelete_bg . s:ft_none
exec 'hi DiffText' . s:fg_difftext_fg . s:bg_difftext_bg . s:ft_none
" Plugin: AGit
exec 'hi agitHead' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi agitHeader' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi agitStatAdded' . s:fg_diffadd_fg
exec 'hi agitStatRemoved' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg
exec 'hi agitDiffAdd' . s:fg_diffadd_fg
exec 'hi agitDiffRemove' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg
exec 'hi agitDiffHeader' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi agitDiff' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi agitDiffIndex' . s:fg_purple
exec 'hi agitDiffFileName' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi agitLog' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi agitAuthorMark' . s:fg_olive
exec 'hi agitDateMark' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi agitHeaderLabel' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi agitDate' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi agitTree' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi agitRef' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi agitRemote' . s:fg_purple . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi agitTag' . s:fg_orange . s:ft_bold
" Plugin: Spell Checking
exec 'hi SpellBad' . s:fg_foreground . s:bg_spellbad
exec 'hi SpellCap' . s:fg_foreground . s:bg_spellcap
exec 'hi SpellRare' . s:fg_foreground . s:bg_spellrare
exec 'hi SpellLocal' . s:fg_foreground . s:bg_spelllocal
" Plugin: Indent Guides
exec 'hi IndentGuidesOdd' . s:bg_background
exec 'hi IndentGuidesEven' . s:bg_cursorline
" Plugin: Startify
exec 'hi StartifyFile' . s:fg_blue . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi StartifyNumber' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi StartifyHeader' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi StartifySection' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi StartifyPath' . s:fg_foreground
exec 'hi StartifySlash' . s:fg_navy
exec 'hi StartifyBracket' . s:fg_aqua
exec 'hi StartifySpecial' . s:fg_aqua
" Plugin: Signify
exec 'hi SignifyLineChange' . s:fg_diffchange_fg
exec 'hi SignifySignChange' . s:fg_diffchange_fg
exec 'hi SignifyLineAdd' . s:fg_diffadd_fg
exec 'hi SignifySignAdd' . s:fg_diffadd_fg
exec 'hi SignifyLineDelete' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg
exec 'hi SignifySignDelete' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg
" Git commit message
exec 'hi gitcommitSummary' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi gitcommitHeader' . s:fg_green . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi gitcommitSelectedType' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi gitcommitSelectedFile' . s:fg_pink
exec 'hi gitcommitUntrackedFile' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg
exec 'hi gitcommitBranch' . s:fg_aqua . s:ft_bold
exec 'hi gitcommitDiscardedType' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg
exec 'hi gitcommitDiff' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi diffFile' . s:fg_blue
exec 'hi diffSubname' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi diffIndexLine' . s:fg_comment
exec 'hi diffAdded' . s:fg_diffadd_fg
exec 'hi diffRemoved' . s:fg_diffdelete_fg
exec 'hi diffLine' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi diffBDiffer' . s:fg_orange
exec 'hi diffNewFile' . s:fg_comment
" }}}
" ================================== MISC =====================================
" Command to show theme information {{{
fun! g:PaperColor()
echom 'PaperColor Theme Framework'
echom ' version ' . s:version
echom ' by Nikyle Nguyen et al.'
echom ' at'
echom ' '
echom 'Current theme: ' . s:theme_name
echom ' ' . s:selected_theme['description']
echom ' by ' . s:selected_theme['maintainer']
echom ' at ' . s:selected_theme['source']
" TODO: add diff display for theme color names between 'default' and current
" theme if it is a custom theme, i.e. child theme.
" @brief command alias for g:PaperColor()
command! -nargs=0 PaperColor :call g:PaperColor()
" }}}
" =============================== MAIN ========================================
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "PaperColor"
call s:acquire_theme_data()
call s:identify_color_mode()
call s:generate_theme_option_variables()
call s:generate_language_option_variables()
call s:set_format_attributes()
call s:set_overriding_colors()
call s:convert_colors()
call s:set_color_variables()
call s:apply_syntax_highlightings()
" =============================================================================
" Cheers!
" vim: fdm=marker ff=unix